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Adobe’s New Smart Feature

The new Texture slider in Lightroom May 2019 release

Adobe has just released a new update to the creative cloud.  The update which affects most of the cloud applications include enhancements to old features and introduction of some new features. However, the most exciting update comes to Adobe Lightroom.  The May 2019 update release has introduced several features to Lightroom including flat-field correction, support of new cameras and lenses but the most impressive feature is the introduction of the texture slider.

The new texture slider which has been inserted above the clarity slider in the Presence panel addresses the ‘plastic effect’ that most photographers were facing when smoothing skin.  The slider does address this issue by selectively affecting the details in the image.  Less detailed areas of the image such as skin pores or out of focus areas are unaffected while more textured areas like hair are affected.  The result is a more natural looking effect instead of the old plastic effect.

This slide is not only good for skin retouching; it is also perfect for other details.  Any texture that you may want to enhance or smooth this slider will take care of it whether it is a landscape or architectural image.  Unlike the effect of dehaze or clarity sliders; the texture slider gives a more natural look without affecting contrast (like the dehaze slider) or the colour of the image.  Hence, this slider is perfect for making subtle and natural changes to a digital image.

No details have been enhanced in this image

How does the texture slider affect the image? The texture slider affects the images globally when used under the Presence panel.  Moving the slider to the right (positive) will enhance the detail in the image while moving it to the left (negative) will smooth all the details within its range.  If you need to apply the effect locally, you can do so by accessing the slider from the Brush tool or Radial filter or the Graduated filter.

By using the Texture slider, the details in the image stand out but the overall tonality and contrast of the mage has not been affected.

A big kudos to Adobe for listening and addressing this pesky issue in post-production. For a detailed list of features in the May 2019 update visit Adobe at

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